Does anybody know of any sample code laying around anywhere that would enable me to resize a picturebox at runtime when the mouse cursor is draging the bottom right edge of
with use
class in this article you can do movable and resizable control in run time just with a line of code! :) example:
and now button1 is a movable and resizable control!
Have a look at
You can use Use this "home made" class. For a correct functioning you shuld have a container and a resizer element inside it, like a thin image working as a resizing border. The controlToResize is the container itself. You can put all you want inside the control. Example:
ControlResizer.Init(myPictureBox, myTableLayoutPanel, ControlResizer.Direction.Vertical, Cursors.SizeNS);
Here is the class.
class ControlResizer
public enum Direction
public static void Init(Control resizer, Control controlToResize, Direction direction, Cursor cursor)
bool dragging = false;
Point dragStart = Point.Empty;
int maxBound;
int minBound;
resizer.MouseHover += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e)
resizer.Cursor = cursor;
resizer.MouseDown += delegate(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
dragging = true;
dragStart = new Point(e.X, e.Y);
resizer.Capture = true;
resizer.MouseUp += delegate(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
dragging = false;
resizer.Capture = false;
resizer.MouseMove += delegate(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (dragging)
if (direction == Direction.Vertical)
minBound = resizer.Height;
maxBound = controlToResize.Parent.Height - controlToResize.Top - 20;
controlToResize.Height = Math.Min(maxBound , Math.Max(minBound, controlToResize.Height + (e.Y - dragStart.Y)) );
if (direction == Direction.Horizontal)
minBound = resizer.Width;
maxBound = controlToResize.Parent.Width - controlToResize.Left - 20;
controlToResize.Width = Math.Min(maxBound, Math.Max(minBound, controlToResize.Width + (e.X - dragStart.X)));