I am using jqgrid to display data present in server how do i show description of data on mouse hover tool tip.
which is the best way to show tool tip on jqgrid?
var setTooltipsOnColumnHeader = function (grid, iColumn, text){
var thd = jQuery("thead:first", grid[0].grid.hDiv)[0];
jQuery("tr.ui-jqgrid-labels th:eq(" + iColumn + ")", thd).attr("title", text);
and just set tooltip on header column
setTooltipsOnColumnHeader ($("#empgrid"), 4, "Invoice No");
setTooltipsOnColumnHeader ("GRID NAME", "COLUMN" , "TOOLTIP TEXT");
Tooltip shown in jqGrid on mouse hover is nothing more as the "title" atribute of the corresponding HTML elements. If you want change tooltip with setCell:
$("#list").setCell(rowid,'Name','','',{'title':'my custom tooltip on cell'});
where the 'Name'
is the column name where the tooltip will be set and rowid
identify the row. For more informaion read this answer including the references.