I was trying to get livereload working with rails 3.2, and I came across this question, of which there is a reference to not naming imported sass partials with .css.scss:
Honestly, I don't think it matters much. As a convention, I generally name files that will eventually be output as an actual CSS file as .css.scss and imported files as .scss.
I do the same for .html.haml and .haml for partials.
If you want to include .scss file from different directory/folder in your project, you need to add underscore before the filename. For example:
//files to include
//Main style.css
@include "partials/navbar"
@include "partials/footer"
If you notice, when the .scss files were imported in the main style.scss underscores were removed. The purpose of underscore is to exclude all .scss/.sass files not to be compiled unless if it is imported in a single .scss file.