I have created a windows 8 project using the phonegap 2.9.0 and then tried to use JQuery mobile library within it. But I get the following security exception. Any idea how t
I have just run into the same problem. It appears that the grist of the matter is that the WinJS security model won't allow the JQuery dom manipulation when you create elements from strings e.g. using the .html() method.
See the below for more information: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/windowsappdev/archive/2013/04/01/windows-store-app-support-in-jquery-version-2-0.aspx
In summary the clever people have produced a fix to this in JQuery 2.0.
So I'll be looking at using JQuery 2.0 but will it work with JQuery Mobile? I haven't determined that yet so I'll probably look at fully building and attaching the dom elements rather than using the .html() method.
But please note that I have not tried any of these approaches yet so cannot vouch for their validity.