How can an Eclipse bundle (eg. within activator code) find the dependent Bundle instances at runtime? I would like to find the bundles that Eclipse has choosen to satisfy th
You can open an OSGi console and issue the following commands:
To the the list of bundles, including the numeric id
bundle <id>
to get more information, including dependencies.
You should also try
to get more commands
Please see my answer to this question. 4.3 will have a new bundle wiring API that will allow things like this.
There is no easy way to determine the dependency. The best way is to go through the PackageAdmin interface. See the OSGi spec for PackageAdmin and getImportingBundles in particular:
You need to determine for all installed bundles, which one exports one or more packages that your bundle is importing. The easiest way to achieve this is to call PackageAdmin.getExportedPackages(Bundle bundle) with bundles = null. This returns an array of all exported packages. You then need to iterate of this array and call ExportPackage.getImportingBundles().