Is it possible to somehow use the :selected option that you\'d use on a normal select view helper with the grouped_collection_select function? I\'d like to set the value th
I just ran across the same problem and solved it using the option_groups_from_collection_for_select helper
and the select
helper documented at:
The first step is to create the grouped options. Taking your example, it should look like:
<% options = option_groups_from_collection_for_select(Trade.order(:name).all,
:subscription_plans, :name, :id, :display_name, 5) %>
Then I created the select object like:
<%= select('user[subscription_attributes]', :subscription_plan_id, options,
include_blank: true) %>
You could write it all out in one line, I just broke out the options into a separate variable to illustrate the two different methods.
Maybe too late, but the API documentation of grouped_collection_select states: 'The value returned from calling method on the instance object will be selected.'
So, you don't even have to specify a :selected option, since Rails will automatically select based on the current value of your attribute. If subscription_plan_id has value 5, then that's what will be selected.
If that's supposed to be a default value, then you can set it with an after_initialize in your model.
Actually you need to send in options include_blank for example
<%= grouped_collection_select :id, model.all, options = {:include_blank => 'Selecione'}%>