I can emit signals with structs tagged with Q_GADGET from C++ to QML.
Is it possible send such a struct from QML to a C++ slot? My code fails on the first step: crea
You don't create Q_GADGET
s in QML, QML objects need to be QObject
derived, and are not created via new
- that's for JS objects only. Gadgets just generate meta data so that you can access their members and such from QML and pass around, that's about it.
Is it possible send such a struct from QML to a C++ slot?
It is possible to send, but it would not be created in QML. It could be returned to QML from a C++ function or be exposed as a property of some object.
struct Test {
Q_PROPERTY(int test MEMBER test)
Test() : test(qrand()) {}
int test;
Q_SLOT void foo() { qDebug() << "foo"; }
class F : public QObject { // factory exposed as context property F
public slots:
Test create() { return Test(); }
void use(Test t) { qDebug() << t.test; }
// from QML
property var tt: F.create()
Component.onCompleted: {
F.use(F.create()) // works
var t = F.create()
console.log(t.test) // works
F.use(t) // works
console.log(tt.test) // works
F.use(tt) // works
tt.test = 555
F.use(tt) // works
t.test = 666
F.use(t) // works
t.foo() // works