I am running Hadoop-1.2.1 and HBase-0.94.11 in a pseudo-distributed mode.
Due to power failure Hadoop and HBase set up went down.Next time when I restarted my machin
It's straightforward the zookeeper quorum process is not running - if it has been, there'd have been another java process:
hduser@user-ubuntu:~$ jps
16914 NameNode
19955 Jps
29460 Main
17728 TaskTracker
19776 HMaster
17490 JobTracker
17392 SecondaryNameNode
xxxxx HQuorumPeer
Zookeeper is required for HBase cluster - as it manages it.
Possible solutions: By default HBase manages zookeeper itself i.e. starting and stopping the zookeeper quorum (the cluster of zookeeper nodes) - to verify the settings look into the file conf/hbase-evn.sh (in your hbase directory) there must be a line:
export HBASE_MANAGES_ZK=true
Basically tells HBase whether it should manage its own instance of Zookeeper or not. In case it is set to false
, edit to true
Also verify the HBase conf at conf/hbase-site.xml
The minimum conf that should work for pseudo-distributed mode is:
Now stop the HBase, if it's been running:
$ ./bin/stop-hbase.sh
make the neccessary changes and start it again:
$ ./bin/start-hbase.sh
Answers you may find helpful:1 2
Are you sure your Zookeeper process is running (your jps listing doesn't show an entry for QuorumPeerMain)? The jps stack may not show all java processes running - try using a ps axww | grep QuorumPeerMain
If your zookeeper refuses to start, check its logs to see if there are some stack trace clues