i want to install AMQP in windows 10 with PHP 7.3 for use in symfony 4. windows not use any apache/iis/nginx and run directly by symfony.
everything ok! until, i de
It didn't work for me with PHP 7.2.13RC1, but it works with PHP 7.2.17
I'm using Windows 10, x64, PHP non thread safe
For example:
links to all versions for windows:
AMQP https://pecl.php.net/package/amqp/1.9.4/windows
PHP https://windows.php.net/download/
regsvr32 c:\windows\system32\rabbitmq.4.dll
(or copy rabbitmq.4.dll to c:\php\
dir)and move php_amqp.dll to extension dir move c:\php\php_amqp.dll c:\php\ext\
1) generate phpinfo file, check - Architecture ie: x86 - PHP Extension Build ie: API20170718,TS,VC15 - Thread Safety ie: enabled
2) go to https://pecl.php.net/package/amqp find version of library acording to your PHP ver, and thread safe or not thread safe
like here: https://pecl.php.net/package/amqp/1.9.4/windows
3) unzip/tar package copy php_amqp.dll into ext dir in php dir (ie: c:/xammp/php/ext)
4) edit php.ini add "extension=php_amqp.dll"
copy rabbitmq.4.dll and rabbitmq.4.pdb into ie: c:/xammp/php
5) install Win32OpenSSL (save dlls in windows/system dir)