Note: The similar question has been already asked three years ago, in time of EE 6, see how to instantiate more then one CDI/Weld bean for one class? Has so
I would create qualifiers FooQualifier,HooQualifier and Producer for MyBean, something like this:
public class MyBeanProducer {
public MyBean fooProducer() {
return new MyBean(42);
public MyBean hooProducer() {
return new MyBean(666);
Then if you somewhere do:
private MyBean foo;
You will have MyBean instance with foo.getSomeProperty() equal to 42 and if you do:
private MyBean hoo;
you will have MyBean instance with foo.getSomeProperty() equal to 666.
Another possibility is to have one configurable qualifier:
public @interface ConfigurableQualifier {
int value() default 0;
and then producer method:
public MyBean configurableProducer(InjectionPoint ip){
int somePropertyValue = ip.getAnnotated().getAnnotation(ConfigurableQualifier.class).value();
return new MyBean(somePropertyValue);
then simply calling:
@ConfigurableQualifier(value = 11)
private MyBean configurableBean;
will result in MyBean instance with someProperty equal to 11.