I am parsing a XML file like below:
SET "name=name1"
SET "connection="
SET "type="
for /F "tokens=5,7delims==/ " %%a in (
'findstr /c:"<connection name=\"%name%\"" ^<connection.config'
) do SET connection=%%~a&SET type=%%~b
ECHO connection=%connection%
ECHO TYPE =%type%
Finding the data line which contains the literal string "\" escapes "
) then set connection to the 5th (and type for good measure) from the seventh token of the data line
<connection name="name1" value="connection1" type="abc"/>
using =
, /
and [space]
as delimiters.
Here's the xpath.bat -small script that will allow you to get a xml values by xpath expression without using external binaries:
call xpath.bat "connection.config" "//connection/@name"
call xpath.bat "connection.config" "//connection/@value"
to assign this to a variable:
for /f "tokens=* delims=" %%# in ('xpath.bat "connection.config" "//connection/@value"') do set "connection_value=%%#"
echo %connection_value%
It works, if you use the right tokens and delimiters:
@echo off&setlocal
for /F tokens^=2^,3^,5delims^=^<^"^= %%a in (connection.config) do (
if "%%a" equ "connection name" echo(%%b %%c
Output is:
name1 connection1
name2 connection2