How to update a particular field in mongo db collection by using MongoRepository Interface in spring?
I am sure you got the answer by far now, still updating it to help other folks.
you can update specific field by below code.,
Query query1 = new Query(Criteria.where("id").is("123"));
Update update1 = new Update();
update1.set("available", false);
mongoTemplate.updateFirst(query1, update1, Customer.class);
As of today, you can't update the document using MongoRepository
using one query. If you really want to update a particular field using MongoRepository
then following is the steps:
MyDocument myDocumentToUpdate = myDocumentRepository.findById(documentId); // fetching a document that you want to update the field
myDocumentToUpdate.setMyField(myNewValue); // setting the new value to the field myField; // saving (It basically updates the document) the updated document