I\'m getting the following error when trying to compile OpenSSL 1.0, 64 bit:
ias -o tmp32\\ia64cpuid.obj tmp32\\ia64cpuid.asm
\'ias\' is not recognized a
I normally get my OpenSSL windows builds from here. The guy who runs the site has the 64 bit version built so may be able to help if you email him. He's also looking for beta testers I think.
You've probably chosen VC-WIN64I (as an argument for the perl Configure
command), which is a wrong platform in your case. You should have passed VC-WIN64A. "I" stands for "Itanium" and "A" still stands "AMD64".
perl Configure VC-WIN64A
and then run "nmake" again, it should work this time.
For the former problem - I just added to the Path environment variable the path of ias: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\bin\x86_ia64.
But after all I compiled it for x64 (VC-WIN64A) with NASM and it worked.
Forget all that building - its a nightmare! Someone has done all the hardwork for Win7 64 and kindly put it here