Can I have a base class where each derived class has its own copy of a static property?

前端 未结 4 1998
伪装坚强ぢ 2021-01-13 01:52

I have something like the following situation below:

class Base
     public static int x;
     public int myMethod()
          x += 5;

  • 2021-01-13 02:25

    I usually implement subclass specific stuff as an abstract get property

    public class Base
        // You must pick one option below
        // if you have a default value in the base class
        public virtual int x { get { return 7; /* magic default value */} }
        // if you don't have a default value
        // if you choose this alternative you must also make the Base class abstract
        public abstract int x { get; }
    public class DerivedA : Base
        public override int x { get { return 5; } }
    public class DerivedB : Base
        public override int x { get { return 10; } }
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  • 2021-01-13 02:38

    You will need to redefine and hide the field and method in all derived types.


    class DerivedA : Base
      public new static int x;
      public new int myMethod()
        x += 5;
        return x;

    Note: don't do it this way. Fix your design.


    Actually, I have a similar construct. I solve it with an abstract (if you need a default value, use virtual) property which then gets used from the base class:

    public abstract class Base
       public abstract string Name { get; }
       public void Refresh()
         //do something with Name
    public class DerivedA
      public override string Name { get { return "Overview"; } }

    You should be able to adjust that for your use case. You can of course make the property protected if only deriving classes should be able to see it.

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  • 2021-01-13 02:38

    Well, yes, you can, but it revolves around a bit of a trick with generics.

    It is much better if you fix your design so that you don't need that static field, or at least not per descendant, but here goes:

    class Base<TDescendant>
        where TDescendant : Base
         public static int x;
         public int myMethod()
              x += 5;
              return x;
    class DerivedA : Base<DerivedA>
    class DerivedB : Base<DerivedB>

    This relies on the fact that a generic type with static fields will get a separate copy of those static fields for each type you invoke it with.

    However, if you intend to descend from DerivedA or DerivedB, it gets tricky, so I wouldn't recommend going down this lane.

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  • 2021-01-13 02:40

    Static dictionary with Type as keys should do. I mean avoid logic repetition and different values for each derived type but shared among instances.

    public class Base
        private static Dictionatry<Type,int> _values;
        public int MyMethod()
            return _values[this.GetType()];
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