Python's subprocess module returning different results from Unix shell

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灰色年华 2021-01-13 01:34

I\'m trying to get a list of the CSV files in a directory with python. This is really easy within unix:

ls -l *.csv

And, predictably, I get

  • 2021-01-13 02:17

    When you enter ls -l *.csv at the shell, the shell itself expands *.csv into a list of all the filenames it matches. So the arguments to ls will actually be something more like ls -l spam.txt eggs.txt

    The ls command doesn't understand wildcards itself. So when you pass the argument *.csv to it it tries to treat it as a filename, and there is no file with that name. As Nick says, you can use the shell=True parameter to have Python invoke a shell to run the subprocess, and the shell will expand the wildcards for you.

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  • 2021-01-13 02:23

    If you want it to behave as it does at the shell, you need to pass shell=True (your mileage may vary here, depending on your system and shell). In your case the problem is that when you do ls -l *.csv, the shell is evaluating what * means, not ls. (ls is merely formatting your results, but the shell has done the heavy lifting to determine what files match *.csv). Subprocess makes ls treat *.csv literally, and look for a file with that specific name, which of course there aren't any (since that's a pretty hard filename to create).

    What you really should be doing is using os.listdir and filtering the names yourself.

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  • 2021-01-13 02:30

    Why not use glob instead? It's going to be faster than "shelling out"!

    import glob

    This gives you just the names, not all the extra info ls -l supplies, though you can get extra info with os.stat calls on files of interest.

    If you really must use ls -l, I think you want to pass it as a string for the shell to do the needed star-expansion:

    proc = sp.Popen('ls -l *.csv', shell=True, stdout=sp.PIPE)
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  • 2021-01-13 02:36
    p=subprocess.Popen(["ls", "-l", "*.out"], stdout = subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)


    /bin/sh -c ls -l *.out

    to be executed.

    If you try this command in a directory, you'll see -- in typical mystifying-shell fashion -- all files are listed. And the -l flag is ignored as well. That's a clue.

    You see, the -c flag is picking up only the ls. The rest of the arguments are being eaten up by /bin/sh, not by ls.

    To get this command to work right at the terminal, you have to type

    /bin/sh -c "ls -l *.out"

    Now /bin/sh sees the full command "ls -l *.out" as the argument to the -c flag.

    So to get this to work out right using subprocess.Popen, you are best off just passing the command as a single string

    p=subprocess.Popen("ls -l *.out", stdout = subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
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