I have the following tables: binders, docs, users, docs_users. Doc belongsTo Binder, Doc hasAndBelongsToMany User.
I want to get binders and their associated docs f
These are a few of the options available for doing deep finds on data in CakePHP:
Here's the final solution I came up with based on all of the great feedback I got. I think this is an elegant solution that can be reused in any scenario where deep associations are required.
In the binder_controller I unbound the Doc model, and bound it back using the finderQuery to select only the Docs that a user has permission to see. Then in joined the binders_users table selecting only the binders that users have permissions to.
Thank you everyone for all your help!
$this->Binder->unbindModel(array('hasMany' => array('Doc')));
array('hasMany' => array(
'Doc' => array(
'className' => 'Doc',
'foreignKey' => 'binder_id',
'dependent' => false,
'finderQuery' => 'SELECT Doc.* FROM docs AS Doc INNER JOIN docs_users AS DocsUser ON DocsUser.doc_id = Doc.id AND DocsUser.user_id = ' . $this->Auth->user('id')
$binders = $this->Binder->find(
'joins' => array(
'table' => 'binders_users',
'alias' => 'BindersUser',
'type' => 'inner',
'foreignKey' => false,
'conditions'=> array(
'BindersUser.binder_id = Binder.id',
'BindersUser.user_id = ' . $this->Auth->user('id')
More on binding/unbinding models
On this line, you need to tell Cake which Model's id you are talking about:
'conditions' => array('id = "17"')
e.g. DocsUser.id
...and you don't use recursive with containable. Get rid of it.
Have you tried coming in from a user perspective?
$user = $this->Binder->Doc->User->find('all',array('conditions'=>'User.id'=>$user_id));
The 'DocsUser' association should be detected anyway.
From a Binders perspective maybe
In your Binders MODEL add ( please check table, key and model names in case I made a typo )
function getBindersByUserSql($user_id)
$dbo = $this->getDataSource();
$subQuery = $dbo->buildStatement(
'fields' => array('DISTINCT(Doc.binder_id)'),
'table' => "docs_users",
'joins' => array(
array('table' => 'users',
'alias' => 'User',
'type' => 'INNER',
'conditions' => array('DocsUser.user_id = User.id')
array('table' => 'docs',
'alias' => 'Doc',
'type' => 'INNER',
'conditions' => array('Doc.id = DocsUser.doc_id')
'conditions' => array("User.id"=>$user_id),
'order' => null,
'group' => "Doc.binder_id"
return $dbo->expression($subQuery);
Then in your binders CONTROLLER try
$conditions = array();
$conditions = $this->Binder->getBindersByUserSql($this->Auth->user('id'));
$binders = $this->Binder->find('all',array('conditions'=>$conditions)));
Any good?