Trying to generate a PDF with wkhtmltopdf but it gives me a lot of trouble displaying all the characters.
Some of characters work - e.g. when printing
Did you install the Chinese, Japanese, and Korean Fonts that are mentioned in the Ubuntu Community Help Wiki?
Looking at the PDF generated on another System in detail, you can find out which font is used by wkhtmltopdf on that system and then locate the proper substitute. Dalibror Nasevic did the work for a large subset of asian fonts and described what he had to install on a CentOS (RedHat) based system:
Figuring out missing fonts for wkHTMLtoPDF
On a headless Debian-stretch-based system, according to Dalibror Nasevic I had to add
and fonts-wqy-zenhei
In addition, following the recommendations from the Ubuntu Community Help Wiki, fonts-dejima-mincho
, fonts-nanum-coding
, fonts-takao
, fonts-takao-gothic
, fonts-takao-mincho
might be worth giving a try.