I would like to test if a particular type of random matrix is invertible over a finite field, in particular F_2. I can test if a matrix is invertible over the reals using
It would be better to use Sage or some other proper tool for this.
The following is just unsophisticated non-expert attempt at doing something, but pivoted Gaussian elimination should give the exact result for invertibility:
import random
from scipy.linalg import toeplitz
import numpy as np
def is_invertible_F2(a):
Determine invertibility by Gaussian elimination
a = np.array(a, dtype=np.bool_)
n = a.shape[0]
for i in range(n):
pivots = np.where(a[i:,i])[0]
if len(pivots) == 0:
return False
# swap pivot
piv = i + pivots[0]
row = a[piv,i:].copy()
a[piv,i:] = a[i,i:]
a[i,i:] = row
# eliminate
a[i+1:,i:] -= a[i+1:,i,None]*row[None,:]
return True
n = 10
column = [random.choice([0,1]) for x in xrange(n)]
row = [column[0]]+[random.choice([0,1]) for x in xrange(n-1)]
matrix = toeplitz(column, row)
print(int(np.round(np.linalg.det(matrix))) % 2)
Note that np.bool_
is analogous to F_2 only in a restricted sense --- the binary operation +
in F_2 is -
for bool, and the unary op -
is +
. Multiplication is the same, though.
>>> x = np.array([0, 1], dtype=np.bool_)
>>> x[:,None] - x[None,:]
array([[False, True],
[ True, False]], dtype=bool)
>>> x[:,None] * x[None,:]
array([[False, False],
[False, True]], dtype=bool)
The gaussian elimination above uses only these operations, so it works.
Unfortunately, SymPy can't yet handle finite fields in matrices, though support is planned.
As some commenters noted, though, you can just check the determinant over the integers. If it's 1 (mod 2), the matrix is invertible. To actually find the inverse, you can just take the normal inverse over the integers, multiply by the determinant (so that you don't have fractions), and mod each element by 2. I can't imagine it would be too efficient, and you could probably use any matrix library, even a numerical one (rounding to the nearest integer). SymPy can also do each of these steps.
I should point out that in general cyclic finite fields, the "multiply by the determinant" part will need to be undone by multiplying by the inverse mod p (it is unnecessary mod 2 because the only possibility is 1).