I have tried to use a temporary table as an intermediate result holder for a SELECT statement. The problem is though that I can\'t access the temp table multiple times in ot
Known bug (feature) - read http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/temporary-table-problems.html
Here's how i work around the problem...
drop table if exists employees;
create table employees
emp_id smallint unsigned not null auto_increment primary key,
name varchar(255) not null,
boss_id smallint unsigned null,
key (boss_id)
engine = innodb;
insert into employees (name, boss_id) values
('ali later',1),
('megan fox',1),
('jessica alba',3),
('eva longoria',3),
('keira knightley',5),
('liv tyler',6),
('sophie marceau',6);
drop procedure if exists employees_hier;
delimiter #
create procedure employees_hier
in p_emp_id smallint unsigned
declare v_done tinyint unsigned default(0);
declare v_dpth smallint unsigned default(0);
create temporary table hier(
boss_id smallint unsigned,
emp_id smallint unsigned,
depth smallint unsigned
)engine = memory;
insert into hier select boss_id, emp_id, v_dpth from employees where emp_id = p_emp_id;
/* http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/temporary-table-problems.html */
create temporary table emps engine=memory select * from hier;
while not v_done do
if exists( select 1 from employees e inner join hier on e.boss_id = hier.emp_id and hier.depth = v_dpth) then
insert into hier select e.boss_id, e.emp_id, v_dpth + 1
from employees e inner join emps on e.boss_id = emps.emp_id and emps.depth = v_dpth;
set v_dpth = v_dpth + 1;
truncate table emps;
insert into emps select * from hier where depth = v_dpth;
set v_done = 1;
end if;
end while;
e.name as emp_name,
p.emp_id as boss_emp_id,
p.name as boss_name,
inner join employees e on hier.emp_id = e.emp_id
left outer join employees p on hier.boss_id = p.emp_id;
drop temporary table if exists hier;
drop temporary table if exists emps;
end #
delimiter ;
-- call this sproc from your php
call employees_hier(1);
For this problem, where the temporary table is only to be read, I create a second temporary table as a copy of the first then use this in the query:
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t2 as (SELECT * FROM dates_with_entries);
FROM (SELECT entrie_date AS datum FROM dates_with_entries ) AS sub_result
INNER JOIN project_times
ON sub_result.datum = project_times.datum AND project_times.user_id = 20
LEFT JOIN works AS w ON project_times.work_id = w.id
LEFT JOIN sub_projects AS sp ON sp.id = w.sub_project_id
LEFT JOIN projects AS p ON p.id = sp.project_id
GROUP BY datum
FROM (SELECT entrie_date AS datum FROM t2) AS sub_result
INNER JOIN project_times AS pt ON pt.datum = sub_result.datum
INNER JOIN works AS w on w.id = pt.work_id
INNER JOIN sub_projects AS sp on w.sub_project_id = sp.id
INNER JOIN projects AS p ON sp.project_id = p.id
WHERE pt.user_id = 20
I tried "WITH" for this problem but apparently it is not supported by MySQL on my server yet. I came across this solution that seems like working. It uses "CREATE VIEW" to replicate "WITH" in MySQL
One way around this is to simply create a "real" table, rather than a temporary table.
The advantages that temporary tables offer:
If #1 is crucial for you, then you probably need to stick with temporary tables. Otherwise, if only one instance of this program runs at a time, or if you create the table name dynamically to make it unique, I recommend that you choose an appropriately unique name for this table and create it as a "real" table, then drop it when you're done.