I tried this simple ASP.net 5 Console Application on both Windows (.NET 4.5.1) and Linux (Mono 4.0.1), both times with the same result.
Note: I call
If you see my question (and answer) in Entry point can be marked with the 'async' modifier on CoreCLR?, you'll see that at the top-most of the call-stack, you have the following:
public static int Execute(string[] args)
// If we're a console host then print exceptions to stderr
var printExceptionsToStdError = Environment
(EnvironmentNames.ConsoleHost) == "1";
return ExecuteAsync(args).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
catch (Exception ex)
if (printExceptionsToStdError)
return 1;
Internally, it checks to see the return type of the method, if the return type is of type Task
, then it registers a ContinueWith
, which it'll be able to synchronously wait on:
if (result is Task)
return ((Task)result).ContinueWith(t =>
return 0;
When you pass in async void
, it looks to Execute
as if this method is a "fire and forget" void returning method. That's why it never finishes execution. But, if you change it to return a Task
, it'll work:
public async Task Main(String[] args)
#if DNX451
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException +=
(s, e) => Console.WriteLine(e);
await Task.Delay(1000);
Console.WriteLine("After Task.Delay");
Console.WriteLine("Inside Finally");