All the posts I have found suggest going to the \"file types\" sub-section under XCode preferences and adding an external editor for a specific file type. However this optio
I agree that you need to change the default setting for the file type in Finder. The best way to do that is to right-click any similar file in Finder. Select Get Info from the pop-up menu. Then look down the list for the "Open with" drop-down option. Select your chosen editor and then below the words "Use this option to open all documents like this one" click on "Change All..."
Then it will change the default for all your applications.
It looks like it just goes through LaunchServices, so... whatever you'd get by opening it using Finder by default.
I had a look around and I couldn't figure it out. I notice that right-clicking on a source file, there is a greyed out option for "open in external editor." I couldn't figure out how to get that working at a glance.
A reasonable workaround would be to right-click on the source file you want to edit, click "Reveal in Finder," and then edit the file in the editor of your choice. The changes will be automatically updated in Xcode. I think you'll lose any undo/redo history you may have had for that file in Xcode though.
you have to make the editor you want is the default editor for the file type(cpp/h/lua ..). step: first time you 'show in finder', then open the file with 'open as', then choose the editor you want, make sure you choose the 'always open it'. then every is ok now.