I have problem with report using JasperReports. I ran report on my program, it works, but there were error message just like this
It means that you have several jar files in your JasperReports Library classpath... just use:
and problem solved...
Just delete jasperreports-javaflow*.jar from your classpath during report compilation.
The error should disappear.
I updated primefaces jar file from 3.5 to 4.0. It is solved the problem.
For the latest downloadable jasper jar zip(Japsperreports-6.3.0.jar) it does not provide all the needed jar files.You have to find the jar files. For eliminate issues just add
jasperreports-6.3.0.jar , org.apache.commons.collections.jar , commons-logging-1.2.jar , commons-digester-2.1.jar , commons-beanutils-1.8.3.jar ,
will work fine..
The jasperreports-maven-plugin repeats the jasperreports dependency. I had your problem when I changed the version of my jasperreports dependency but did not also change it in the dependency of the jasperreports-maven-plugin.