I am building a vertical list of months with a horizontal list of days in each month. To each day I am adding a sized and colored rectangle; the size and color is dependant
cell1.setHorizontalAlignment(PdfPCell.ALIGN_CENTER) align the text of the cell in the center. You can see an example.
PdfPTable tablaTotal = new PdfPTable(2);
PdfPCell cell1 = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("TOTAL"));
PdfPCell cell2 = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(contrato.getPrecioInmueble() + " €"));
We create tablaTotal with two columns, cell1 with the text Total, we align the text of the cell1 and add and padding to the cell1. We do the same to cell2 and we add the two cell to tablaTotal.
You're mixing text mode
and composite mode
Alignment properties set on the level of the PdfPCell
work in text mode only. As soon as you switch to composite mode (you do so by using the addElement()
method), iText ignores the alignment defined for the cell in favor of the aligment defined for the contents of the cell.
In text mode all the content has the same alignment. In composite mode, you can have different elements with different alignments.
You have different options: you can put the Chunk
in a Paragraph
and define the alignment for the paragraph instead of for the cell. You can create the cell in text mode using a Phrase
that contains the Chunk. It may even be possible to create a cell with an Image
without using a Chunk, etc...
This is all explained in the "iText in Action" book I wrote.