I am using a while loop to iterate through a cursor and then outputing the longitude and latitude values of every point within the database.
For some reason it is n
You just executed the query. Can't you just get rid of the moveToFirst()?
public void loadTrack() {
SQLiteDatabase db1 = waypoints.getWritableDatabase();
Cursor trackCursor = db1.query(TABLE_NAME, FROM, "trackidfk=1", null, null, null,ORDER_BY);
while (trackCursor.moveToNext()) {
Double lat = trackCursor.getDouble(2);
Double lon = trackCursor.getDouble(1);
//overlay.addGeoPoint( new GeoPoint( (int)(lat*1E6), (int)(lon*1E6)));
Cursor c=null;
try {
if (c!=null) {
for (c.moveToFirst(); !c.isAfterLast(); c.moveToNext()) {
} finally {
if (c!=null) {
Your skipping the first value actually, not the last.
while (trackCursor.moveToNext()) {
The first time into the while loop you are pointing at the 2nd row.
I would convert your while loop to a do-while loop
moveToNext() has two features. It returns a boolean signifying that there is a next, but at the same time it goes ahead and moves the cursor.
public void loadTrack() {
SQLiteDatabase db1 = waypoints.getWritableDatabase();
Cursor trackCursor = db1.query(TABLE_NAME, FROM, "trackidfk=1", null, null, null,ORDER_BY);
do {
Double lat = trackCursor.getDouble(2);
Double lon = trackCursor.getDouble(1);
//overlay.addGeoPoint( new GeoPoint( (int)(lat*1E6), (int)(lon*1E6)));
} while (trackCursor.moveToNext());