I want to create this query:
select Something, count(Something) as \"Num_Of_Times\"
from tbl_results
group by Something
having count(Something)>5
from item in tbl_results
group item by item.Something into groupedItems
let count = groupedItems.Count()
where count > 5
select new { Something = groupedItems.Key, Num_Of_Times = count };
UPDATE : This would give you the result as an IQueryable<DataRow>
DataTable dt= new DataTable();
dt.Columns.Add("Something", typeof(int));
dt.Columns.Add("Num_Of_Times", typeof(int));
var results = (from item in tbl_results
group item by item.Something into groupedItems
let count = groupedItems.Count()
where count > 2
select dt.Rows.Add(groupedItems.Key, count)).AsQueryable();
(note that it also fills the dt table)