Working with an Oracle 9i database from an ASP.NET 2.0 (VB) application using OLEDB. Is there a way to have an insert statement return a value? I have a sequence set up to
Some possibilities:
1) Use the RETURNING clause:
INSERT INTO emp (empno, ename) VALUES (emp_seq.NEXTVAL, 'ANDREWS')
RETURNING empno INTO :variable;
2) Use the sequence CURRVAL:
INSERT INTO emp (empno, ename) VALUES (emp_seq.NEXTVAL, 'ANDREWS');
CURRVAL returns the last sequence value generated by your session.
First use a SELECT statement to get the next sequence. You may use the Oracle dual table to do this.
SELECT my_seq.nextval FROM dual
Use the sequence that you retrieved in subsequent INSERT statements.
Oracle seem to have a keywod called "returning" which can return a given column of the inserted row, however that might require you to set the "autoincrement" field manually by invoking the next value in your sequence.
Check this discussion about it:
However, you can always select the current sequence-number in a second query, sort of like MySQLs last_insert_id()
If this value is the key the database creates, you've ran into a good example why you should use UUIDs as your table key, and generate them in code.
This method will give you faster performance in your setup.