I\'m building an application using Backbone.js, Underscore.js, HAML, and Coffeescript.
The problem I\'m having is getting variables to interpolate inside of html ele
The solution to this problem is to use HAML's :escape_attrs
Haml::Engine.new(template, :escape_attrs => false).render
You can try using html_safe which is a method on String objects. This will escape the html characters in the variable statement (< for example) and will leave the intact for underscore to evaluate at runtime:
%input{:type => 'checkbox', :name => "documents[]", :value => "<%= document.attributes.id %>".html_safe}
(Tested on rails 3.0.13)
It looks like you aren't closing the function in the template properly ( try adding <% }); %>
to the end of your template).
I'm not really familiar with HAML syntax but here's a simple example on jsfiddle using plain HTML and an underscore template. As you can see you can definitely use interpolation in middle of an elements attributes.