How would you search for the following string in vim?
I\'ve tried (a la Very No Magic)
Can also set the search register directly.
:let @/='\V'
Then you can use n
and N
like normal.
Use MacVim (or GVim). Open the non-regex GUI search using ⌘f (or ctrlf on Windows). This is the recommended way to do a non-regex search in Vim. GUI Vim has many improvements over terminal vim like this one and I would highly suggest using it full time if you aren't already.
another way to search forward (from the position of your cursor) without escaping is use :s
you could do:
then press n
to navigate matched text forward, N
If you want to know how many matches in the buffer, use gn
instead of n
note that, I said "without escaping", I was talking about the slash, if you want to do search precisely, you have to escape the period. .
. since in regex, .
means any char.
Searching in vim is just /
, not :/
. You can search for that string escaping only the slashes: /http:\/\/\/a\/b\/c
I'm not sure why you get not an editor command
since I don't. The simplest way to search without having to escape slashes is to use ?
instead, e.g.
" or since the : is not necessary
This does search in the other direction, so just keep that in mind