I am trying to get the file size of an image and I keep getting Warning: filesize(): stat failed for img.jpg
This is what I did:
has just name of the file.. you need to access
will give you the temporary path of the file on your system. Here is http://php.net/manual/en/reserved.variables.files.php
also you can access size of file with
echo "---- NULL ---------------\n";
$path = null;
echo "File size is: " . filesize($path) . "\n";
echo "---- FILE EXISTS --------\n";
$path = '/home/luca/Scrivania/file_that_exists.jpg';
echo "File size is: " . filesize($path) . "\n";
echo "---- FILE NOT EXISTS ----\n";
$path = 'file/does/not/exists.jpg';
echo "File size is: " . filesize($path) . "\n";
Would result in:
---- NULL ---------------
File size is:
---- FILE EXISTS --------
File size is: 78953
Warning: filesize(): stat failed for file/does/not/exists.jpg in /home/luca/Scrivania/test.php on line 13
Call Stack:
0.0001 642120 1. {main}() /home/luca/Scrivania/test.php:0
0.0002 642448 2. filesize() /home/luca/Scrivania/test.php:13
This means that your variable
is NOT pointing to a valid file location on the SERVER and is instead one among:
(see first example)Please next time post valid PHP code.
As Marc B suggested you have to use $_FILES['profile']['tmp_name'];
in the $_FILES array is the name of the file on the CLIENT machine. It is information only, and has absolutely no relevance to what's actually stored on your server. You need to look at ['tmp_name']
, which is where PHP has stored the file temporarily on the server, after the upload completed:
$path = $_FILES['profile']['tmp_name'];