I\'ve heard that you can use classpath
to use classes in other libraries. I googled about this and all results tell me to use the command line to compile the pr
In Eclipse:
Right-Click on the Project → Build Path → Configure Build Path
. Under Libraries tab, click Add Jars or Add External JARs
and give the Jar.
Image from link
Android Studio: from Android Studio: Add jar as library?
Open Module Settings
sign above the panel second from the left -> Java
In eclipse, Right Click on Project -> Properties -> Java Build Path -> Add Class Folder or Simply copy your jar file to the libs folder in your project. Right click on jar file, Select "Build Path" then click "Add to build path".
In Android Studio, Simply copy your jar file to the libs folder in your project. Right Click on Project -> Module Settings Select your project from the left and click on "+" sign at the bottom and select "jars or directories". Go to your project's libs folder and select the jar file which you have copied in that folder in step 1 and press OK Just make sure to check the box and then press "Apply" or "Ok" button to finish the process.