I\'m using a tuple to store something like this.
var accessLavels: (hasInventoryAccess: Bool, hasPayrolAccess: Bool)
accessLavels = (hasInventoryAccess: true
I encountered a similar scenario trying to encode a tuple with NSCoder
. The way I am solving it is by manually converting the tuple to a Dictionary
. This is not a great solution as the keys need to be changed in several places if the tuple ever changes.
I had a nested enum in my tuple and gave it a base type (String) from which I converted the raw value. It was a little extra work but thankfully yours is only primitives.
# SerializeableTuple.swift
typealias AccessTuple = (hasInventoryAccess: Bool, hasPayrolAccess: Bool)
typealias AccessDictionary = [String: Bool]
let InventoryKey = "hasInventoryAccess"
let PayrollKey = "hasPayrollAccess"
func serializeTuple(tuple: AccessTuple) -> AccessDictionary {
return [
InventoryKey : tuple.hasInventoryAccess,
PayrollKey : tuple.hasPayrolAccess
func deserializeDictionary(dictionary: AccessDictionary) -> AccessTuple {
return AccessTuple(
dictionary[InventoryKey] as Bool!,
dictionary[PayrollKey] as Bool!
# Encoding / Decoding
var accessLavels: AccessTuple = (hasInventoryAccess: true, hasPayrolAccess: false)
// Writing to defaults
let accessLevelDictionary = serializeTuple(accessLavels)
NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().setObject(accessLevelDictionary, forKey: "AccessLevelKey")
// Reading from defaults
let accessDic = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().dictionaryForKey("AccessLevelKey") as AccessDictionary
let accessLev = deserializeDictionary(accessDic)
I'ts an year old question but still:
let accesLvl : [String:AnyObject] = ["hasInventoryAcces":true, "hasPayrolAccess":false]
NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().setObject(accesLvl, forKey: "accesLevel")
In case you save only bools, let accesLvl : [String:Bool]
is a better option.
In case I don't get something (I'm fairly new to Swift and programming altogether), what would be the benefit of using a "tuple" over a Dictionary, or even a struct
I had a tuple with 3 values.
The following code was used for saving the tuple. Basically, I created a string from tuple (with components separated by a comma).
let defaultsLoad = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()
if appSingleton.runwayDestShared != nil
// Creating a String from the tuple
let runwayDestString = appSingleton.runwayDestShared!.0 + "," + appSingleton.runwayDestShared!.1 + "," + appSingleton.runwayDestShared!.2
defaultsLoad.setObject(runwayDestString, forKey: "RunwayDest")
To retrieve the tuple, I retrieved the string, broke it into array and used the array to re-create a tuple.
let runwayDestString = defaultsLoad.stringForKey("RunwayDest")
if let runwayDestString = runwayDestString
let runwayDestArray = runwayDestString.componentsSeparatedByString(",")
appSingleton.runwayDestShared = (runwayDestArray[0],runwayDestArray[1],runwayDestArray[2])
You can store Bool, Float, Int, Object, Double or URL but not a Tuple. So you have two options, save two only hasPayrolAccess and hasPayrolAccess Bool values:
NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().setBool(true, forKey: "hasInventoryAccess")
NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().setBool(false, forKey: "hasPayrolAccess")
let hasInventoryAccess = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().boolForKey("hasInventoryAccess")
let hasPayrolAccess = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().boolForKey("hasPayrolAccess")
Or save it using an Array of Bool:
var accessLavels = [true,false]
NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().setValue(accessLavels, forKey: "accessLavels")
if let loadAccessLavels = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults().arrayForKey("accessLavels") as? [Bool] {
if let hasInventoryAccess = loadAccessLavels.first {
if let hasPayrolAccess = loadAccessLavels.last {
In the documentation, I don't see any method -setValue
Based on the docs, NSUserDefaults is able to save NSString, NSNumber, NSData, NSDictionary, NSArray, NSData and NSDate only. Here is the link:
NSUserDefaults Class Reference.
So, you are not able to save tuple here. And -setValue
is from NSKeyValueCoding