I want to find performance of single process, as example \"SqlServer\"
Which commands I should write to find out 2 things:
About the CPU I got this working the following way:
# To get the PID of the process (this will give you the first occurrance if multiple matches)
$proc_pid = (get-process "slack").Id[0]
# To match the CPU usage to for example Process Explorer you need to divide by the number of cores
$cpu_cores = (Get-WMIObject Win32_ComputerSystem).NumberOfLogicalProcessors
# This is to find the exact counter path, as you might have multiple processes with the same name
$proc_path = ((Get-Counter "\Process(*)\ID Process").CounterSamples | ? {$_.RawValue -eq $proc_pid}).Path
# We now get the CPU percentage
$prod_percentage_cpu = [Math]::Round(((Get-Counter ($proc_path -replace "\\id process$","\% Processor Time")).CounterSamples.CookedValue) / $cpu_cores)
The command to get SQL server process information:
Get-Process SQLSERVR
The command to get information for any process that starts with S:
Get-Process S*
To get the amount of virtual memory that the SQLServer process is using:
Get-Process SQLSERVR | Select-Object VM
To get the size of the working set of the process, in kilobytes:
Get-Process SQLSERVR | Select-Object WS
To get the amount of pageable memory that the process is using, in kilobytes:
Get-Process SQLSERVR - Select-Object PM
To get the amount of non-pageable memory that the process is using, in kilobytes:
Get-Process SQLSERVR - Select-Object NPM
To get CPU (The amount of processor time that the process has used on all processors, in seconds):
Get-process SQLSERVR | Select-Object CPU
To better understand the Get-Process cmdlet, check out the documentation on technet here.