I\'m evaluating Mongo Spark connector for a project and I\'m getting the inconsistent results. I use MongoDB server version 3.4.5, Spark (via PySpark) version 2.2.0, Mongo S
I solved my issue. The reason of inconsistent counts was the MongoDefaultPartitioner which wraps MongoSamplePartitioner which uses random sampling. To be honest this is quite a weird default as for me. I personally would prefer to have a slow but a consistent partitioner instead. The details for partitioner options can be found in the official configuration options documentation.
val df = spark.read
.option("uri", "mongodb://")
.option("partitioner", "spark.mongodb.input.partitionerOptions.MongoPaginateBySizePartitioner ")
This issue was mostly due to SPARK-151 bug in 2.2.0 Mongo Connector. It is resolved in 2.2.1 version, which I have confirmed. You can continue to use default partitioner with 2.2.1.