I have a form that do a computation whenever a control input value changes.
Here is my form_group
looks like:
form_group = this.fb.group
Like so, I wanted to observe changes from multiple controls, I was able to do this like this.
import { merge } from 'rxjs';
const merged = merge(this.control1.valueChanges,this.control2.valueChanges, this.control3.valueChanges, this.control4.valueChanges);
merged.subscribe(x => console.log(x));
Reference:- https://rxjs-dev.firebaseapp.com/api/index/function/merge
Is there a reason why you couldn’t create a FormArray instead of multiple form controls? For example
form_group = this.fb.group({
'controls': this.fb.array([...])
Then you can define a property in your component
get controls(): FormArray {
return <FormArray>this.form_group.get('control');
And then from this you can iterate the form array and subscribe to valueChanges
this.controls.controls.forEach(control => {
You can then apply some logic in the for each to exclude the controls you do not want to subscribe to
You just need to access to the control and subscribe to value changes property like this
this.form_group.get('control1').valueChanges.subscribe(value => {
You can merge individual valueChanges Observables into one like so :
[ control1.valueChanges,
control2.valueChanges ]
).subscribe(() => {
// do your computation