I\'m getting an error saying:
failed to clone https://github.com/php-fig/log.git, git was not found, check that it is installed and in your PATH env.
You need to add the directory you installed git to to your PATH environment variable.
Test the git command in the command prompt to see if it worked. Git is usually located in Program Files
or Program Files(x86)
You'll need to add git to your system PATH if you want to use it in regular command prompt.
Here's a guide on modifying your system path in Windows:
you need to uninstall git and reinstall ( or update ) in the options you need to change from git bash only to allow git to be added to command line as well, also since it then adds it to your path you may or may not need to restart your computer
There is an easier (but temporal) way to add a path variable in Windows.
Paste this in your command prompt:
SET PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\Git\bin
This will work for the rest of the command prompt session. Don't forget installing Git before this.
I was having some issues using git on Windows. I found this information only and it worked for me.