Ionic Framework : Android Emulator unable to access services on host machine

前端 未结 1 1836
南笙 2021-01-12 09:47

I am trying to implement the Ionic sample tutorial available at

I am able to deploy sample app on Andr

  • 2021-01-12 10:37

    If you're using one of the latest versions of cordova you must install the cordova plugin whitelist:

    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-whitelist

    if you use the option --save it will add a section to your config.xml file:

    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-whitelist --save

    You can read some useful info here about important change in recent cordova updates.

    You need to have this:

    <access origin="*" />

    set in your config.xml file.

    If you're using the android emulator you have to change localhost in and, of course, you have to add the port if it is different from the default: 80.

    Reference here.

    If you're using Genymotion (much better than the android emulator) the ip address is going to be: + the port num.


    Android emulator:

    If you want to have debug infos for the android emulator run this from the command line:

    adb -s emulator-5554 logcat

    If you're running you web server in IIS Express chances are your request cannot reach the host. There are a few options here. My favourite solution is to use iisexpress-proxy.
    You can install it as an npm package:

    npm install -g iisexpress-proxy

    and run it specifying the proxy port:

    iisexpress-proxy 6050 to 3000

    Now you can change your port for your emulators:

    Android emulator:

    Probably the best solution is to use a real android device and debug your app with chrome inspect.

    You have to:

    • enable USB debugging on your mobile
    • visit this link in chrome browser (chrome://inspect/#devices)

    Once your device show in the list you can hit F12 and see what kind of errors your getting in the browser console.

    You can even use the port forwarding forward request to an internal server; basically you can access your hosted services on your laptop through a virtual port you're going to define.

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