I am creating an ASP.Net 5 application with MVC 6, using .Net 4.5.1. I have a POST method that uses a FromBody parameter to get the object automatically.
I found myself with exactly the same problem, but was able to find a different solution. I will share my solution here as an alternative to @ypsilo0n's answer.
Instead of checking in every controller the if (!ModelState.IsValid)
we can have this middleware filter:
public class FooFilter : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext context)
var modelState = context.ModelState;
if (modelState != null && modelState.IsValid == false)
// this class takes the model state and parses
// it into a dictionary with all the errors
var errorModel = new SerializableError(modelState);
context.Result = new BadRequestObjectResult(errorModel);
Now, the controller never gets called because this middleware runs before and ends the request. (read docs for more information).
When we set a non-null context.Result
it means "end the HTTP request here" (the docs) -- not very user friendly/intuitive if you ask me but OK (would expect a return value instead).
using .net core 1.1
The default JsonInputFormatter
will in fact return a null model upon encountering an error - but it will populate ModelState
with all exceptions.
So you have access to all encountered errors by digging into ModelState
public IActionResult Insert([FromBody]Agent agent)
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
var errors = ModelState
.SelectMany(x => x.Value.Errors, (y, z) => z.Exception.Message);
return BadRequest(errors);
// Model is valid, do stuff.
Output of above is an array of all exception messages, e.g.:
"After parsing a value an unexpected character was encountered: l. Path 'Name', line 2, position 20",
"Another exception message..."
JsonInputFormatter - Source