I\'ve got some issues with the new autocomplete of Xcode 7.3
When I import a class, the class won\'t show up in autocomplete. Even more annoying, when an imported cl
try cleaning the project and building it, if that doesn't work, delete derived data from /Users//Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData, and then try it again. should work
I was having huge problems after upgrading from 7.2 to 7.3 and it completely ruined my productivity. But after I deleted all derived data, completely quit XCode, and then rebooted my system, everything went back to normal. Life is good again...
I med this problem, go to XCode -> Preferences -> Text Editing
, cancel Enable type-over completions
this will also happen when you create a new file ,then the new file will lose the autocomplete ability.
Click cmd+shift+k
trying cleaning the project and building it,
If that doesn't work, delete derived data from /Users//Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
Or delete at here :
Autocomplete will be back ok
I had this problem myself and after looking through all the other similar questions & answers about this, I couldn't find a solution. However, I finally found what worked for me.
Go to Xcode -> Preferences -> Components
. There you will probably find a screen that looks like the following:
This shows that the documentation has not has not been downloaded and therefore, any attempts to re-index or re-build the application without downloading the documentation would prevent you from being able to use the autocompletion functionality.
Once I downloaded the Xcode 7.3 Documentation and the OSX 10.11.4 Documentation, this was enough for me to get the autocomplete functionality back (I was trying to build an OS X app, so feel free to download as much documentation as is relevant for you).