I\'m trying to find a minimal adequate model using AIC in R. I keep getting the following error: Error in step(model) : number of rows in use has changed: remove mi
Even I got the same problem. So , what i did was ->
When you split the data into two parts i.e training data and testing data, make sure you first step is this -->
training_data = na.omit(training_data)
After this step only move forward and you will not get any errors.
Hope this solves you issue.
From the Warnings section of ?step
The model fitting must apply the models to the same dataset. This may be a problem if there are missing values and R's default of na.action = na.omit is used. We suggest you remove the missing values first.
So you should do:
no.na.data <- na.omit(data[c(predictors, response)])
model <- lm(formula=as.formula(paste(paste(response,'~', sep=''),
paste(predictors,collapse='+'), sep='')),
I was faced with the same problem but I couldn't use Flodel's solution because I couldn't access the original data because it was computed inside a function. I give here my alternative solution which only uses the model. Let data be the dataset with missing values:
model1<-lm(response~., data=data)
model2<-lm(response~., data=model1$model)
Although this way wastes some computer time, it has the advantage of just using information already contained in the model.