The Play Framework 2 template language is pretty nice. However, though it’s ‘inspired by’ Microsoft’s Razor language, one important design decision is different: how you ‘es
I can't test this right now in this machine, but the following should work (no need of auxiliar method):
("Latest Requests", {
("Your Details", {
<p>Blah blah</p>
Here's what you might be looking for. It's not exactly FP though
@(title: String)(content: scala.collection.mutable.MutableList[Pair[String, Html]] => Unit)
@defining(new scala.collection.mutable.MutableList[Pair[String,Html]]()) { sections =>
@for(section <- sections){
<section id="@section._1">
@import views.Common.section
@structuredpage("Front Page") { implicit sections =>
@section("Section 1") {
@section("Section 2") {
<h1>more stuff</h1>
section method:
def section(title: String)(content: Html)(implicit sections: scala.collection.mutable.MutableList[Pair[String, Html]]) {
sections += title -> content
Here is a workaround:
@import views.Common.section
@sec1 = { <p>Blah</p> }
@sec2 = { <p>Blah blah</p> }
section("Latest Requests")(sec1),
section("Your Details")(sec2)
previous attempt:
I think your wish makes it to complicated. Templates should be simple. Here is a simple alternative:
@section("Latest Requests") {
@section("Your Details") {
<p>Blah blah</p>
@(title: String)(content: Html)
<section id="@title">
@(title: String)(sections: Html)
<nav class="page-links">
table-of-contents goes here
I made a gist: . So you can check it out and play with it.