I want to create a game, that will use a level system. So i want to store my levels and to be able to change them during the game (to save the state). So i decided to use XM
If you throw the data in an NSDictionary
, you could do (with caveats):
[myDictionary writeToFile:pathToPlist atomically:YES];
I would recommend using KissXML. The author started in a similar situation as you and created an NSXML compatible API wrapper around libxml. He discusses the options and decisions here on his blog.
You can use the C libary libxml2
to read and write XML. Here's a quick intro: Cocoa Samurai: Getting Some XML Love with libXML2.
However, have you considered using CoreData or implementing the NSCoding
protocol? NSCoding
would be easier to add to existing classes.
Try the open source XML stream writer for iOS:
// allocate serializer
XMLWriter* xmlWriter = [[XMLWriter alloc]init];
// start writing XML elements
[xmlWriter writeStartElement:@"Root"];
[xmlWriter writeCharacters:@"Text content for root element"];
[xmlWriter writeEndElement];
// get the resulting XML string
NSString* xml = [xmlWriter toString];
This produces the following XML string:
<Root>Text content for root element</Root>