Thanks in advance, and sorry if this question has been answered previously - I have looked pretty extensively. I have a dataset containing a row of with concatenated informa
Maybe initialize your list with a single generic function, and then update them using:
foo <- function(x){x+3}
> body(foo) <- quote(x+4)
> foo
function (x)
x + 4
More specifically, starting from a character, you'd probably do something like:
body(foo) <- parse(text = "x+5")
Just to add onto joran's answer, this is what finally worked: <- matrix(data=rep(1,25),5,5) <- data.frame(
test.func <- c("x","x+1","x+2","x+3","x+4")
func.list <- list()
for(i in 1:length(test.func)){
func.list[[i]] <- function(x){}
body(func.list[[i]]) <- parse(text=test.func[i])
processed <- mapply(,func.list,lapply(,list))
Thanks again, joran.
This is what I do:
f <- list(identity="x",plus1 = "x+1", square= "x^2")
funCreator <- function(snippet){
txt <- snippet
exprs <- parse(text = txt)
listOfFunctions <- lapply(setNames(f,names(f)),function(x){funCreator(x)}) # I like to have some control of the names of the functions
listOfFunctions[[1]] # try to see what the actual function looks like?
unenclose(listOfFunctions[[3]]) # good way to see the actual function
# Call your funcions
listOfFunctions[[2]](3) # 3+1 = 4[[3]],list(3)) # 3^2 = 9
attach(listOfFunctions) # you can also attach your list of functions and call them by name
square(3) # 3^2 = 9
identity(7) # 7 ## masked object identity, better detach it now!