I have worked little bit in OpenCL now but recently \"clBuildProgram\" failed in one of my program. My code excerpt is below:
cl_program program;
program = c
I've seen this happen on OSX 10.14.6 when the OpenCL kernel source is missing the _kernel
attribute tag. If both the _kernel
tag and return type are missing it seems to crash the system OpenCL compiler daemon, which then takes a few seconds to restart before new kernels will compile again.
You can learn the meaning of OpenCL error codes by searching in cl.h. In this case, -11 is just what you'd expect, CL_BUILD_PROGRAM_FAILURE. It's certainly curious that the build log is empty. Two questions:
1.) What is the return value from clGetProgramBuildInfo?
2.) What platform are you on? If you are using Apple's OpenCL implementation, you could try setting CL_LOG_ERRORS=stdout in your environment. For example, from Terminal:
$ CL_LOG_ERRORS=stdout ./myprog
It's also pretty easy to set this in Xcode (Edit Scheme -> Arguments -> Environment Variables).
I encountered the same problem with an empty log file. I was testing my ocl kernel on a different computer. It had 2 platforms instead of one. One Intel GPU and one AMD GPU. I only had AMD OCL SDK installed. Installing the Intel OCL SDK fixed the problem. Also selecting the AMD platform instead of the Intel GPU platform fixed it.
If you are using the C instead of C++:
err = clBuildProgram(program, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
////////////////Add the following lines to see the log file///////////
if (err != CL_SUCCESS) {
char *buff_erro;
cl_int errcode;
size_t build_log_len;
errcode = clGetProgramBuildInfo(program, devices[0], CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG, 0, NULL, &build_log_len);
if (errcode) {
printf("clGetProgramBuildInfo failed at line %d\n", __LINE__);
buff_erro = malloc(build_log_len);
if (!buff_erro) {
printf("malloc failed at line %d\n", __LINE__);
errcode = clGetProgramBuildInfo(program, devices[0], CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG, build_log_len, buff_erro, NULL);
if (errcode) {
printf("clGetProgramBuildInfo failed at line %d\n", __LINE__);
fprintf(stderr,"Build log: \n%s\n", buff_erro); //Be careful with the fprint
fprintf(stderr,"clBuildProgram failed\n");