I had a thought to generalise ($)
like Control.Category
generalises (.)
, and I\'ve done so with the code at the end of this post (also
There are two abstractions used for things like this in Haskell, one usings Arrow
s and the other Applicative
s. Both can be broken down into smaller parts than those used in base
If you go in the Arrow
direction and break down the capabilities of Arrows into component pieces, you'd have a separate class for those arrows that are able to lift arbitrary functions into the arrow.
class ArrowArr a where
arr :: (b -> c) -> a b c
This would be the opposite of ArrowArr
, arrows where any arbitrary arrow can be dropped to a function.
class ArrowFun a where
($) :: a b c -> (b -> c)
If you just split arr
off of Arrow
you are left with arrow like categories that can construct and deconstruct tuples.
class Category a => ArrowLike a where
fst :: a (b, d) b
snd :: a (d, b) b
(&&&) :: a b c -> a b c' -> a b (c,c')
If you go in the Applicative
direction this is a Copointed "Applicative
without pure
" (which goes by the name Apply).
class Copointed p where Source
copoint :: p a -> a
class Functor f => Apply f where
(<.>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
When you go this way you typically drop the Category
for functions and instead have a type constructor C a
representing values (including function values) constructed according to a certain set of rules.
applies morphisms to values. The concept of a value seems trivial, but actually, general categories need to have no such notion. Morphisms are values (arrow-values... whatever), but objects (types) needn't actually contain any elements.
However, in many categories, there is a special object, the terminal object. In Hask, this is the ()
type. You'll notice that functions () -> a
are basically equivalent to a
values themselves. Categories in which this works are called well-pointed. So really, the fundamental thing you need for something like $
to make sense is
class Category c => WellPointed c where
type Terminal c :: *
point :: a -> Terminal c `c` a
unpoint :: Terminal c `c` a -> a
Then you can define the application operator by
($) :: WellPointed c => c a b -> a -> b
f $ p = unpoint $ f . point p
The obvious instance for WellPointed
is of course Hask itself:
instance WellPointed (->) where
type Terminal c = ()
--point :: a -> () -> a
point a () = a
--unpoint :: (() -> a) -> a
unpoint f = f ()
The other well-known category, Kleisli
, is not an instance of WellPointed
as I wrote it (it allows point
, but not unpoint
). But there are plenty of categories which would make for a good WellPointed
instance, if they could properly be implemented in Haskell at all. Basically, all the categories of mathematical functions with particular properties (LinK, Grp, {{•}, Top}...). The reason these aren't directly expressible as a Category
is that they can't have any Haskell type as an object; newer category libraries like categories or constrained-categories do allow this. For instance, I have implemented this:
instance (MetricScalar s) => WellPointed (Differentiable s) where
unit = Tagged Origin
globalElement x = Differentiable $ \Origin -> (x, zeroV, const zeroV)
const x = Differentiable $ \_ -> (x, zeroV, const zeroV)
As you see, the class interface is actually a bit different from what I wrote above. There isn't one universally accepted way of implementing such stuff in Haskell yet... in constrained-categories
, the $
operator actually works more like what Cirdec described.