I have a question in regards to pressing the cancel button of my inputDialoguebox. I have asked a similar question before so I apologize if I seem to repeat myself.
<It will always go in else condition even if cancel button is pressed. Check for,
else if(input == JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION){
System.out.println("Cancel is pressed");
add above code before last else statement explicitly, and handle cancel button pressed there.
I had this same issue, and I solved it as follow:
if(input != null){
// Do whatever...
So, I basically moved the null test before testing if the user has entered some input. Hope this helped!
When you click on the Cancel Button
of the showInputDialog(...)
, you always get a null value, for which no condition is satisfied, hence a new connection is always established.
So you can add this condition like this :
if(input == null || (input != null && ("".equals(input))))
throw new EmptyFieldsException();