Im trying to create a report from my IPython notebook. Im using the toc extension to create a toc for my nb. I already converted the notebook to html, but the toc is not sh
use the latex_book template
(ipython nbconvert --to=latex --template=latex_book --post=pdf file.ipynb
extend the latex_article (default) template
Create a file with the following content (e.g. toc_latex.tplx) in the working dir:
((*- extends 'latex_article.tplx' -*))
((* block toc *))\tableofcontents((* endblock toc *))
Use it as a template like
ipython nbconvert --to=latex --template=toc_latex --post=pdf file.ipynb
use the latex_report template
(ipython nbconvert --to=latex --template=latex_report --post=pdf file.ipynb
the custom template could be something like
((*- extends 'latex_article.tplx' -*))
((* block abstract *))\tableofcontents((* endblock abstract *))
I used a method without the nb extension to write the ToC to pdf (through Latex). I don't think it'd work when exporting as HTML though.
I added this cell at the top of the notebook:
And then converted to pdf based on this answer
jupyter nbconvert --to pdf --TemplateExporter.exclude_input=True my_notebook.ipynb