I have a directory with files that either belong to a set that makes up a Qt project, and other files that do not. That is, files A.cxx, ADriver.cxx and A.ui all belong to a
First, gather all files with a glob:
Then select ui files and create Qt targets for them, substracting them from the ALL_SRCS
list at the same time:
file(GLOB UIS *.ui)
foreach(ui ${UIS})
get_filename_component(f ${ui} NAME_WE)
# Do Qt stuff
qt4_wrap_ui( ${f}uis ${ui} )
qt4_wrap_cpp( ${f}srcs ${f}.cpp ${f}Driver.cpp )
add_executable( ${f} ${f}uis ${f}srcs )
list(REMOVE_ITEM ALL_SRCS ${ui} ${f}.cpp ${f}Driver.cpp)
After this you'll have all non-qt sources in ALL_SRCS