I have a shapefile downloaded from the worldwildlife.org for the terrestrial ecoregions of the world. The file can be loaded here: http://worldwildlife.org/publications/terr
You are right to think that you should be using raster
(rather than the sp
raster Spatial classes) for spatial raster data. You should also use rgdal
(rather than maptools
) for reading, writing, and otherwise manipulating spatial vector data.
This should get you started:
## Read in the ecoregion shapefile (located in R's current working directory)
teow <- readOGR(dsn = "official_teow/official", layer = "wwf_terr_ecos")
## Set up a raster "template" to use in rasterize()
ext <- extent (-95, -50, 24, 63)
xy <- abs(apply(as.matrix(bbox(ext)), 1, diff))
n <- 5
r <- raster(ext, ncol=xy[1]*n, nrow=xy[2]*n)
## Rasterize the shapefile
rr <-rasterize(teow, r)
## A couple of outputs
writeRaster(rr, "teow.asc")