If I do, for example:
(defmacro qqq [] \'(toString [this] \"Qqq\"))
(reify Object (qqq))
it fails because of reify
The macro that forces given user macros to expand first (requires clojure.walk
(defmacro expand-first [the-set & code]
`(do ~@(prewalk
#(if (and (list? %) (contains? the-set (first %)))
(macroexpand-all %)
%) code)))
Who has ideas how to make it better?
This will work:
(defn reifyx [x y]
(eval `(reify ~x ~y)))
(defn qqq [] '(toString [this] "Qqq"))
(reifyx 'Object (qqq))
I found an apply-macro. I tried it, but it seems to be broken. The most important thing I gleaned from looking at apply-macro
was that it solved the problem using eval
just as I have.
There is a reader-macro to evaluate things at read-time (before macro-expansion time)..
(defn qqq [] '(toString [this] "Qqq"))
(reify Object #=(qqq))
I've never seen this done in "real" code, and I think most people would consider it a hack, but it's there if you need it.