I\'m trying to make use of the Star Rating component from PrimeFaces. However, it does not allow you to pass in parameters. That makes it impossible for me to do a lookup
f:viewParam lets you pass request parameters to bean properties
<f:viewParam name="myObjID" value="#{myObj.id}"/>
id gets set in the MyObj Bean on page load
<p:rating rateListener="#{myObj.myRating}" />
Since your bean has the id, when the rateListener method is called the id can be used to save the rating to the database
I finally figured out how to do this...
<p:rating value="#{myAction.rating}" />
<input type="hidden" name="selectedObj" value="#{myObj.id}" />
Then, in my action class, I'm able to get the value for selectedObj by doing this...
String selectedObjID = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap().get("selectedObj");
Piece of cake!
I solved it as follows:
<p:rating id="rate" value="#{userHomeControllerBean.rating}">
<f:param name="contentId" value="#{sharedcontent.content.id}" />
<p:ajax event="rate" listener="#{userHomeControllerBean.onrate}" update="rate" />
<p:ajax event="cancel" listener="#{userHomeControllerBean.oncancel}" update="rate" />
In my backing bean, I'm able to get the value for contentId
as follows:
Map<String, String> params = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap();
int contentId = Integer.parseInt(params.get("contentId"));
have you tried to use f:setPropertyActionListener in your button so that you can send any parameter you want to your action class? or you have to do it inside the p:rating?
or you can do something like
private Rating rating;
//getter -setter
and in your action bean, you can access this value ((UIParameter)rating.getChildren().get(0)).getValue();
if this is the case, you may be doing sth wrong as this shouldn't be the case while you are using JSF.
just my two cents...